The course introduced in the first semester of architecture curriculum serves as one of the primary knowledge systems. The subject aims for the students to generate and develop a visual and graphical language through simple explorations in appropriate mediums.
The subject is an essential component of foundation level art, architecture and design pedagogy; conducted over two semesters. At the inception, it aims at skill development and exploration of two dimensional compositions and visual representations.The second part transitions into the study of the third dimension and demonstrates practical application of design subject.
Computer Application in architecture involves teaching students to express and enhance design representation and documentation. The applied softwaresare helpful in drafting, creating and rendering two and three dimensionaldrawings. Concepts of BIM, VR, various software plug-ins, upgrades and techniques are also introduced to make students aware about latest technologies in design expression and presentation.
Workshop in first semester of architecture curriculum develops essential skills of model making while understanding the fundamentals of constructing physical scaled models with the application of tools using various materials. Carrying forward the learnings from this subject, the students can develop their design concepts in third dimension.
This subject imparts knowledge of creating a base map for a given site while recording its essential topographical and geographical features like levels or elevations, contours and sloping gradient and total area. The information derived through this subject is vital to studying existing site features which then aids in designing the built form, planning building services and other design components.
The subject Surveying Lab provides hands-on experience to students of architecture with regards to site and its physiological features. It equips them to prepare a base map, recording accurate site topography and physical features by using surveying instruments and applied methods while measuring levels, prepare contours to find slope pattern of site as well as its area and volume.
This course is aimed for students of second year to appreciate the importance of documentation in comprehending built form while developing the rightful sense of communicating architecture. It focuses on essential steps of documentation including observation, measurements and presentation through graphical and descriptive means.
The intent of this subject is to teach and prepare the students for generating scaled and detailed drawings referred to as working drawings, prior to their practical training; with units of measurements, annotations, graphics and cross-referencing. These are execution drawings provided by the architects and designers to the construction team to help them execute a project on site.
The intent of the subject Practical Training is to enable students to gain practical experience and field knowledge imperative to prepare them for the future of architectural practice. The internship duration of 140 days under a registered Architect with Council of Architecture, India or equivalent registration body at an International level allows students to understand the duties and responsibilities of an architect and undertake design projects in a holistic manner.